
Saturday, December 17, 2011

More Christmas Cards for the Cure - 2011

Recently my sister Beth talked me into selling some of my cards at my sister Natalie's coffee shop during the Christmas season.  I told my sister Natalie that we would give the money we made from them to charity or cancer research.  Due to my husband's cancer situation I don't have a lot of free time to make cards anymore but I usually manage to make about 4 - 6 a week on average.  So far my sister and her staff have sold over $70.00 worth at $3.50/card.  I am looking forward to sending a check at the end of the season to cancer research in my husband's name or to a local women's shelter here in Seattle called Mary's house or possibly some to both.  This time of the year always makes me reflect on all of the blessings in my life.  My husband and son, my extended family, my cozy house, food on my table and money to pay the bills plus a little extra for fun and entertainment.  There are so many people struggling right now that it makes me feel better to be doing something to help out those that are having a hard time right now.  Our family was struggling in this way just last year with no money coming in for a long stretch after my husband's brain cancer surgury which forced his early retirement.   It is a difficult situation and I now feel fortunate to be able to pay it forward a little bit.   

Here are some of the cards I brought to the shop this morning:

That is it for today....I am working on some tags currently and if I get them finished this weekend I might do another post.  Thanks for visiting and taking a look.  I love reading people's comments. 
:) Jill

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Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill