
Monday, January 9, 2012

A thank you for BJ and Cheery Lynn Designs...

Hi All,
You may remember that I won a challenge over at Cheery Lynn Designs a few weeks back.  See this post: HERE.  

On Saturday I received my prize in the mail.  It came on a day when I really needed something to make me smile so today I decided to make a thank you note to send to BJ and Mike Dywan and their entire staff over at Cheery Lynn Designs.  Here is the card:

Most of the dies are from Cheery Lynn Designs (here

These small hearts are from a series of heart dies from Papertrey Ink

The white snowflake is "snowflake 2" from Cheery Lynn Designs: Here

The "Thank You" sentiment stamp is from Papertrey Ink's "Say it with Style" stamp set from Dawn McVey's "Raspberry Suite" line: Here

I also added some of Cheery Lynn Designs baby snowflakes: Here

I will be sending this card out tomorrow as a huge thank you for my lovely prize package.  I enjoy entering Cheery Lynn Designs challenges and I hope you will join in the fun too!  There blog is at:
Go check it out - they have so much lovely inspiration using there incredible dies!  Plus they have a new release coming out this month!  Yeah!

Thanks for taking a look at my blog....I love your comments and visiting your blogs to see what you are crafting too!

Paper Hugs,


  1. Bj, Mike and everyone behind the scene's will love this Jill!!!! Your card is beautiful and I'm so glad your prize arrived on a day you 'needed' to be cheered up...

  2. Thanks Sandie!!! You are all so sweet! Crafting is helping me so much right now...Hugs - Jill

  3. That is wonderful Jill - crafting/being creative can be very healing, in many ways. I hope you'll continue to create, as you do some incredible stuff....


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill