
Friday, May 25, 2012

A card for Papertrey Ink's May 2012 Blog Hop


Hello friends,
I just made the fastest card decisions in my life today for the Papertrey Ink blog hop.  I was so busy working on my crafty project last night for the Waltzing Mouse Hop (which I still haven't finished and have probably missed the deadline on...) that I forgot about the PTI hop today!  I  LOVE the great inspiration photo!   HERE is the blog post it originated from....and here is the photo they chose for this month's inspiration:

I had tons of errands today and went to visit my Mom who has not been feeling well to check on her.  When I got home I logged on to check emails etc. and realized the PTI hop was today.  How can it already be the 25th of May?  Time is flying for me lately! I decided to try and race through a card using the photo for my design.  Here is the card I came up with...

 I did not have the exact ink color I needed to make the very light chartreuse colored hydrangea flower that was in the bowl.  Soooo I improvised by combining two ink colors that I did have and using a blending tool.  Then I overstamped the "In Bloom" largest flower with the darker ink when I was done. 

I also didn't have a harlequin or diamond shaped stamp so I used an embossing folder on the limitless layers circle below the flower and blended some black ink over the top to bring out the diamonds....however most of this effort was covered by the flower....oh well...

I struggled with how to put the sentiment on the card and ended up cutting some flag pieces and splitting the sentiment between the two.  I am still not sure that this card is balanced....that it doesn't need something else?  But due to time constraints I decided to just go with it....and call it GOOD!  I had fun whipping it together and I still have time to finish the laundry before I pick up my little one from school.  Happy hopping  everyone!

: )  Jill


  1. Super pretty! I love all your layering!

  2. Perfect replica of the photo! Love the wonderful layers.

  3. great job under pressure - love the flags for your sentiment

  4. Jill this is gorgeous! I love the layers and the flowers! SO pretty!

  5. Gorgeous layers, Jill! Your doily, flower and gingham are beautiful!

  6. This is a great card! Your colors came out so well! I love the layering, too!
    Hugs, Pat

  7. Wow Jill, what a great "whipping out" you did! Don't you hate it when you end up covering something that turned out really cool? That's the way it goes, I guess. Glad you got to share!

  8. Hi Jill! Your card is so pretty, I love all the circles and the way you did the sentiment. Thanks so much for leaving some love on my blog:)

  9. Jill, for rushing this card, you did an awesome job. Your "flag" sentiment looks just fine!

  10. Great job Jill, I love your layers and your sentiment on the flags. You would never know you rushed the card--gorgeous. I hope your mom is fine. I totally relate with time flying by, last i checked it was Christmas. ;)

  11. Pretty card. Love all the circles and layers. All looks perfectly balanced to me.

  12. So pretty! Love how your circles really mimic the plates in the inspiration photo!


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill