
Saturday, November 10, 2012

A departure from cards for one night...

Hello Friends,
Tonight's post is a departure from card-making.  A week or so ago my little boy Tim said to me, "Mommy, why don't you ever take pictures anymore?  And why don't you make scrapbook pages for me anymore?".   My heart almost broke as I realized after talking with him a little that he misses my taking our special family moments and putting them down on paper with my little notes and thoughts.  I used to do this often from Tim's birth right up until Stuart became so ill and my time and energy were needed so much elsewhere.

So I have made an effort to start taking photos again.  A few here and there to record our lives as they continue to go on.  And tonight I took some of our photos from "Halloween-time" and made a scrapbook page.  The photos are of Tim and I picking out our pumpkins for "Jack-o-lantern carving night 2012" which is a tradition in our home usually occurring the Sunday afternoon before the big day.

This year was our first Halloween without Stuart.  He was always very excited to carve a scary pumpkin each year and we always took pictures in our kitchen as we happily created our Jack and Jill-o-lanterns.  I have many memorable moments of our Halloween's together including these photos from 2010...


I caught Tim in mid-flight by having him jump on our bed!  Then I added the caption and sent this to both Grandparents! is the page I made tonight...not my best work but I do like the photos I took a couple Saturday's ago....including a self-portrait of Tim and I that I took by holding the camera out in front of us.

Thanks for taking a look...have a good night.
:) Jill and Tim


  1. and a beautiful layout it is, the start of many more I hope. It is amazing how certain things inspire us to continue after heart-break has entered our lives. Tim will always treasure the memories, you create for is super special one so young, understand the significance behind them. xx

  2. Beautiful post! You did a fantastic job on this layout!! Your son is such a sweetie, you surely can tell that he appreciates your memory keeping!! I love the pic of the two of you.

  3. This is a beautiful layout, Jill. Tim is such an adorable little boy~you are so very Blessed to have him in your life, a life so different without your beloved Stuart. My heart is feeling your loss, sweet friend. Wishing you many wonderful moments to add to your cherished memories. {{{HUGS}}}

  4. Out of the mouths of wonderful that he lets you know what he's thinking!!! and how wonderful to embrace now! The photo you took at arms length is fantastic Jill!!! I love the page and the great memories you've captured. It's an act of bravery to slap that smile on and gather the energy to engage life. You are showing Tim how to be durable and resilient...huge and invaluable lessons. Good job Jill~ with huge hugs for you both

  5. Oh Jill....What a fabulous layout and the self portrait is just precious! You will treasure each of these moments as you always have.....give your little guy a squeeze! :)

  6. Oh Jill, I LOVED reading this post! I love seeing the photos of your dear sweet boy and you and the one with Stuart. The flying ones are such a hoot! LOVE the page you made and I'm sure your son was so HAPPY to have you marking these milestones once again. You are a GREAT Mom!

  7. Jill, beautiful pages and what a sweet story.

  8. Awww Jill…. lump in my throat … so gald that Tim asked and you delivered. Your sweet boy wants thing to be back to normal. The pictures you shared are heartwarming. Tim almost looks like spiderman on to of those pumpkins. You all look happy in the photos. Thanks so much for sharing and your page is amazing and perfect first start back to scrap booking. Did Tim end up going out or hand out the candy?

  9. I love your layout, and I love that your sweet boy is encouraging you to capture your new memories. I love the picture that you took of you and Tim, what a special picture!

  10. Such sweet photos Jill! Looks like you are enjoying your family! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Echoing another comment "out of the mouth of babes" - even through heartache it is important to memory keep and make new memories as you work into a new normal - thanks for sharing. The flying photos are so fun!


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill