
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Merry Monday Christmas Card Challenge #54: Snowman Theme....

Edited to add:  So excited to have received a shout out over at Merry Monday for this card among all of the incredible entries!  You can see the shout out post:  HERE if you would like to take a look at all of the beautiful cards highlighted! :)

Hello all,
Here with a very quick post as I am on my way out the door to Grandma's house to color Easter Eggs with the cousins.  Tim is so excited!!!

Yesterday I created a card for the Merry Monday Christmas Card Challenge #54: Snowman Theme

 Snowmen are one of my favorite things and yesterday morning we had a brief snow flurry here in Seattle which is a very, very rare thing!!!!  I wish the snow had stuck so we could have had a snowball fight but Tim and I did manage to make one snowball and snap a photo before school started!  Maybe I can share it in my next post if I get it uploaded to the computer!

Anyway...the snow inspired this little snowgirl card....I hand drew some eyelashes on her as I thought she should have long eyelashes to go with her boa!  This will be used as a special thank you note at Christmas Time....

The stamp set is called: Frosty and Fabulous Snowman and is from MFT....  

The stems and leaves for the button flowers on the left were made using Tag-its #5 stamp set from Papertrey those little $5.00 sets...they always have the best little stamps for adding special touches to my cards!!!
Above photo shows the copics I used to color the snowwoman if you are interested...I used a copic multi-liner to make the eyelashes...not shown.

The dies are from Cheery Lynn Designs - doily and scalloped and regular circle dies; and Lil Inker designs.  I am not sure what set that sentiment is from as this tag was already made and sitting on my desk from a previous card attempt!  PTI though I think!  Snow is made with glitter glue -  Stickles Diamond.  I have to add glitter to snowwoman cards - it is a must!!!

Thanks for looking at my card!


  1. I had to go back and peak at your craft space again.
    This snowman is adorable! I love the bits of glitter and that flower on her hat! Too cute! Snow! We are all spring...ed out here with lots of sun, but snow sounds kinda fun.
    I hope Tim has a blast with all the cousins and decorating eggs. Palm Sunday tomorrow… that came fast .

  2. This is quite the snowlady, Jill! Love that boa! Great coloring and shape! Thanks for sharing her with us at Merry Monday!

  3. She is just Beautiful! LOVE your FAB coloring and those eyelashes are a Super detail! The glitter glistening really makes your card!

  4. How sweet is this, your card is gorgeous, love your little Snow Girl. Thanks for joining us at Merry Monday this week.

  5. Great card - so pretty! Love, love the little button flowers and glittery snowflakes!

  6. She is adorable! Love the added eyelashes! Fun! Your coloring is amazing. I am dreading the snow this afternoon during the commute, I had enough of it this year. I always start out loving it but near the end I want Spring.

  7. Adorable snowman and I love the glittering Jill!

  8. This is gorgeous and your coloring is amazing!!!


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill