
Monday, June 24, 2013

You are the most wonderful little SISTER!

Hello Friends,
Happy Monday night to you all!  I am here with a card set for The Shabby Tea Room: Week #172 "Summer Breeze".   Here is the lovely inspiration photo:

This week Starr is our creative host and she has chosen the theme of 'Summer Breeze' along with this beautiful photo for inspiration and Starr asks that we create a card or project inspired by the COLORS IN THE PHOTO AND ADD A FABRIC ELEMENT!

I love this photo!  And I would love to have that light aqua blue quilt in the bottom of the photo for my bedroom!  So pretty!!!!  My cards were inspired by all of these sweet and soft colors and the roses laying on the top of the pile!

 I started this card with Paper Sweeties "You are the most wonderful" stamp set.  I added the word "little" from a Papertrey Ink baby set.  I love this paper sweeties stamp set!  I am hoping that Debbie will add additional words to a 2nd set in the niece, nephew, cousin, baby, teacher, doctor, nurse, etc. and maybe another sentiment like "Happy Birthday to the most wonderful...". I sure love the fonts in this set!!!!  For this card which will be given to one of my 4 sisters I used some digital papers and some oval diecuts.  I added some felt roses and lace as my "fabric" elements.  And I embellished the oval with some background cloud stamping (Unity Stamp Company) and some dimensional paint dots in a light pink.  I added the light blue color in the photo into the bottom half of my oval diecut with a digital paper and a sno-cone button.  LOVE  that light aqua color! 

This cupcake card is for a very dear cousin who celebrates her birthday today!  Happy Birthday Stacey!!! 
I love the soft roses and peaches of this card....I added embossed vellum over the top of the patterned digital paper to lighten it somewhat.

On a personal note:

Yesterday would have been my dear husband's 56th birthday.  It is the second birthday that Tim and I have celebrated without him.  Last year I decided that I would take a picture of Tim and I together on each of Stuart's birthday's to keep as a special keepsake for Tim as he grows up.  I hope to add some words about his Dad into the book for him as I know he will have lots of questions about who his Papa Stuart was as he grows up and becomes a man. 

Here is this year's photo of us:

And a few goofy candids....

We took the pictures before going to place flowers at Stuart's grave site.  The roses are from our garden and we decorated the jar with Happy Birthday sentiments and wrote little notes to Papa Stu too.  God surely placed peace in our hearts that day and we felt joy for the many blessings we have in our lives even as we miss our Stuart so very much.   

A friend sent me this poem to commemorate Stuart's special day. Many of us have loved ones that we miss on their birthdays so I thought I would share it....

 Thanks for reading my little blog and looking at the cards that I make.  My spirit is fed by all of the beauty I see on your blogs and in the world around me.  Life truly is a blessing...even with the heartaches that we all experience!


  1. Wow, that was a beautiful post!
    I saw your name as a winner @ Maja and decided to pop in and see your blog~
    Your cards are really lovely!
    and your tribute to your husband
    is truly beautiful!
    Have a blessed week~ karen

  2. Jill ... first let me say that your little man is PRECIOUS! He is just as cute as can be!! Being a mama of two boys, I am very partial to little boys myself! Second, the cards you made are STUNNING! I can't decide which one I like better -- the pretty one with the frame and Paper Sweeties sentiment or that yummy cupcake ... LOVE!! Thanks for sharing your amazing work with us in the Tea Room this week :)

  3. Your cards are beautiful! I love the roses on both of your cards. Jill, I am so thankful that you two had peace that day. The pictures of you and Tim are wonderful and so are your garden flowers! My heart aches for you, and especially at these times. May God bless you both.

  4. Your post brought me to sweet and your son is just so cute. I have to go back and read it again and this time I will have a few tissues in my hand. Your cards are so them both! That cupcake looks good enough to eat too, just beautiful!

  5. Your cards are so lovely! The first one made me smile as both my sisters are my "little" sisters, and I have 3 "little" Brothers. Gosh, I am the old one! Your post touched me, and I am so glad you shared the pics of your adorable son Tim and you. Those pics are great and full of love. I am glad to read you had a good day together and love the idea of the book and yearly pics for Tim. Blogging has helped me on my journey and am glad it is doing the same for you! So grateful to you and your sunny self!

  6. Wow, Jill!!! Your cards are absolutely gorgeous!!! Your post really tugged at my heart. I so appreciate the birthday poem for I recently lost a brother and Mother. The poem is very meaningful and uplifting, thank you! Thank you for sharing the photos of your gorgeous cards, sweet photos of you and Tim, and the poem! Take care, hugs!

  7. Jill your creations are just simply gorgeous. One of your sisters are lucky girls.

  8. HI Jill~ Tim is surely thriving and I'm so grateful that you have each other..and memories of Stuart to sustain you. When I saw the gorgeous flowers you took to his gravesite I thought that even they aren't nearly as beautiful as the love that you and Tim carry in your hearts.
    Your cards are beautiful too~ no surprise there!
    Blessings on you both

  9. Of course I am writing this with tears in my eyes...
    Tim is growing up so very adorable. That is a great photo of you two. What a lovely tribute to your dear Stuart.
    Hugs to you both ~ God Bless
    PS: Your cards are beautiful and so thoughtful

  10. Jill - what beautiful, beautiful cards! I must say, your sisters are very lucky to have you around and I am sure they love when one of their birthdays come around because they can look forward to your beautiful creations! I wish your dear Stewart a happy birthday as I know even though he is not with you - he is celebrating and sharing his special day with you from above. What a wonderfully sweet way to commemorate him and for your son to grow such fond memories of his dad's life. Life indeed is a blessing, and one of my many blessings is knowing you!

  11. p.s. VERY big congrats on winning one of the Sofiero collections!!! I cannot wait to see what you create!! :)

  12. Hello there, Jill. I came by your blog through Helen. So glad I did! Your cards are beautiful and I was very moved by your post. What a wonderful way to honor your dear husband by celebrating his birthday with your son. Your grace and positive outlook are an inspiration. Best to you both!

  13. Oh ...Jill! Now you made me cry! The pictures of you and Tim are priceless. So happy to see your smiles. Stuart was born in a great year! Mine is coming up this August !
    BTW love the beautiful cards and I bet your sister will too.
    Life has been a bit crazy for me so I am trying to catch up!

  14. What a beautiful posts. You had me in tears. I just lost my mom 8 months ago and miss her dearly. Sorry for the loss, he was so young. But I am sure he is with you and is giving you the strength you need to raise your beautiful boy. Ana


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill