
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Whenever a snowman melts away....

Hello Friends,
Sorry I have been away the past few weeks....sometimes life can require heavy lifting and my card making mojo goes bye-bye for a while...

Today I had a firm talk with myself to "let go" and "let God" handle all of my worries. My scripture for this year is:  Rejoice in all things!.  I took it from a lovely book that my mother gave me to read after the loss of my husband. (My Mom is the sweetest woman!!!)  So after my tough talk with myself about TRULY rejoicing in all things - even those that are hard and worrisome - I decided that tonight I would try to make a card using a lovely new stitched-snowman die from WPlus9 and a sentiment stamp from Inky Antics.  I have been puttering around in my studio like a lost soul the past couple weeks organizing things but simply unable to create anything no matter how hard I you ever have times like that when you have worries about your children or loved one's?  The good news is that I know that everything with my son is going to be fine now!  I am going to be busier with him than before though so you probably will not see me as frequently in blog land but know that I am still here....and am still looking at all of the beauty that you all create as I have time. 

I am linking this card up to the Festive Friday challenge - FFC19....Here is the graphic for this week:

The font of the sentiment is definitely whimsical as if a small child is writing a note to heaven! I added the buttons to help fill in the area around the sentiment and the doily borders are from a Maya Road stamp set that I have had for along time now. 

 My favorite part of this card is the little set of angel wings I made with a pine bough die!  Aren't they sweet?!?!  
 Thanks for looking!


  1. Jill, I am so sorry you are worrying . But you did the right thing ..even though it's hard to do . Let God! So it's sounds like all is well with Tim? I need to email you so I can keep this short.
    Love your card and the angel wings are the best idea ever! When I CASE this idea I will give you full credit! BIG hugs!

  2. Hi Jill. I came to your blog this afternoon wondering if you had posted something and I had missed it. I miss your cards. They are beautiful.
    I have been telling my husband since yesterday to take out the little card I gave him that says Let Go and Let GOD. Funny you too mention it. I also tell him to never fly faster than his guardian Angel. He has a pewter clip in his car visor that I bought for him that says that. I lost my mom almost 1 year ago and it gets harder and harder each day. I always wonder if she is ok and happy now that she is in Heaven. I could only imagine what you must be going through. But always remember that Stuart is looking over you and Tim. I will pray for you and Tim.
    Hope to see some more cards soon. Love the set up with the milk glass hands and the deer on them. Very cute.
    Thanks for sharing. Ana

  3. A very beautiful creation, Jill! I love that darling snowman and perfect sentiment! I'm sorry to hear that you haven't felt like creating lately. I so miss seeing your gorgeous creations. I'll keep you in thought and prayer. Take care, hugs!:-)

  4. Love your card Jill - sweet & whimsical! Hugs for you & Tim - I haven't had anywhere near the challenges you have dealt with, but it always seems one hurdle is over & the next arrives. I hope it helps to know others out there are thinking of you.

  5. Love your card Jill - sweet & whimsical! Hugs for you & Tim - I haven't had anywhere near the challenges you have dealt with, but it always seems one hurdle is over & the next arrives. I hope it helps to know others out there are thinking of you.

  6. I love the snow angel, especially his little wings! Your card is beautiful! I am sorry that you are going thru a hard time right now. I will send prayers your way.

  7. Aw Sweetie~ I'm sending ((hugs)) to you both.. Life is as demanding as it is joyful and even if you sometimes doubt, there is no question that you will persevere and find joy... Your card is the sweetest and totally you!!! We will all be here for the times when life and your creative force pops out! I/we are not going away!!! Hope the new day is wonderful

  8. Your mojo spent into overdrive, my dear! LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this GORGEOUS card! That text snowman is my FAV and I am so glad you pointed out the wings! FABULOUS card! You are in my heart!

  9. Hi Jill, Your card is wonderful and definitely a winner with me! And I love the angel wings on your clever! :0) I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time right now, but rejoicing in each day is so the right way to get through each one. I even stamped a little picture that I framed that says "Joy is to see God in EVERYTHING!" I try to look at it everyday to remember where to put my focus. Another resource that you might find really helpful is a daily devotional called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Short but very uplifting messages for everyday to help keep you on track...I've been using it for almost 3 years now and it really makes a difference in starting my day out right. Take care and know that many prayers are coming your way! :0)

  10. How cute this is, Jill! I love the "folksy" feel with the buttons and snowman paper. Your traditional colors look great with the pretty bow and ivory/white textures! hugs, de

  11. Hi there. This is a wonderful card, and I really love the sentiment. I am so glad that I ordered those WPlus9 dies--that snowman looks fabulous in text paper.

  12. Beautiful card, rich in detail and texture! Love the beautiful deep red! Thanks so much for joining us at Festive Friday!

  13. Oh Jill, such a bright happy card and a hard post to read. So glad you shared your cares a bit with us. Know that many are praying for you! It's our privilege to hold you up! Please post as often as you find time. Love the talent and ideas you share. Love you!

  14. I absolutely LOVE this precious card! The sentiment is so special and I adore your little snowman with angel wings. He is so cute cut from Twas the Night Before Christmas text. Love all the details you have added and the red polka dot background. So sorry you are struggling with some hard times but sounds like things are improving. You'll be in my thoughts. Hugs to both you and Tim!

  15. What a truly inspiring post, Jill. It is just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for opening up and sharing your journey and positive outlook. You are one of the most inspirational women I know! I am so grateful for your friendship, for your beautiful art, and for your insightful and beautiful heart. xoxo

  16. Jill, what a fabulous card and that stitched snowman is so sweet. Your card brings a smile to my face. You are truly an amazing woman and mom and what a wonderful verse to live your life too. Wishing you all the best.

  17. Jill, this card is amazing. I love the colors, patterns and all the embellishments ~ Every inch is just tied together perfectly.
    PS: Hope things are better, my friend, I will email you {{{HUGS}}}

  18. Jill, I am sorry to hear you're struggling right now - such is life, but that never makes it easier. I hope that soon enough you find peace, and that with that, your mojo returns!

    I love your beautiful card, and what a sweet sentiment! We've seen a few of these snowmen this week, but I love how you added the wings - it ties it all together perfectly!

  19. Well, this certainly doesn't look like you were lacking creativity when you made it! It's lovely and adorable all at the same time! And I, too, ADORE those little wings you've added...sweetest little touch! Good for you in letting God take back over...he doesn't want you worrying, my dear!!! Thanks so much for sharing and being with us again at Festive Friday...we ALWAYS enjoy your sweet creations!!!

  20. Beautiful card Jill, so wonderfully festive and warm.

  21. I just LOVE your card! I wanted to let you know that I’ve chosen your creation as one of my Weekly Picks and linked back to your blog! Thanks so much for sharing your talent. Kathy at


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill