
Sunday, August 30, 2015

SAF 2015 - Patterns Challenge

Hello again....
It is Sunday afternoon and I am playing along with the Patterns Challenge from this weekend's Stamp-A-Faire event at Papertrey Ink.

I chose to use the inspiration sketch from Melissa Phillips for my card:

She made such a sweet card with this sketch.  You can see it: HERE at Lilybean Paperie.

And here is what I came up with:
I could not decide if I needed the third heart in the upper right corner...

Visual triangle with the bird and two sets of hearts?  Or visual triangle with the hearts throughout the card in all three places?  I decided I liked the three sets of hearts in the end. LOL!

Stamps:  Little Bitty Bird
Cardstock: White: PTI
Papers:  PTI and digital gingham
Dies: border die and little bitty birds dies - PTI
Other: Button: MFT; Twine: MFT; flower - Hobby Lobby; ribbon: Paper Sweeties

Lots of company this weekend.....a little bit of Stamp-A-Faire crafting squeezed in as time is permitting.  Still hoping to play more....

Thanks to everyone at Papertrey Ink for another wonderful event!  The "Vogue" song has been running through my head all weekend and putting a smile on my face!
: )  Jill


  1. This is just darling Jill!! Love the papers you used and those cute little birds!

  2. Jill, this card is absolutely adorable! I just love it and the colors are perfect.

  3. Super pretty card Jill!

  4. Oh how sweet Jill. I've been meaning to get the bitty birds stamps and dies. Now I know I want them. They're on my wish list.I love the colors and patterns you used. Great job as always Jill. Iris,SavedbyGrace

  5. Know what? Kinda like the extra heart at the top. But to me, more is merrier. Beautiful, as usual, Jill! Love the way you stamped and hi-lighted.

  6. Oh, Jill, I just love your card! What a great sketch card, and I love the colors and this sweet bird set! Great job! Hugs!

  7. So adorable, Jill, and such a fun take on that sketch! Loving the little birdies in the tree, and love the soft washed look to the stamping. I think the triangle of hearts is the perfect touch, too! :)

  8. Love that sweet set! And your card is just adorable! Your choice of patterns and colors is so wonderful!

  9. Oh, this is just beautiful! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  10. Darling card,and I like the three set of hearts too. Don't think I would have noticed anything off if you didn't add the top one:)

  11. Sweet card your adorable little birds, they make for the prettiest card!


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill