
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Paper Sweeties October 2016 New Release Rewind

Did you make it over to the Paper Sweeties website yesterday to check out the FANTASTIC October Release?  Wonderful new goodies for all your crafting needs for sure!!!! Not to mention that we have awesome Holiday Sequins Mixes in the store as well as new patterned paper!  Yay!  So many exciting new things happening at the shop!!!


Today is our October Release Rewind where all of the designers create projects that incorporate the new products that were just released with some of the existing products to show how they all can be used together!  Here is what I have to share with you today:

I decided to shift away from my traditional red and green Christmas color palette and do something in pastels:

This sweet card uses the "Christmas Pudding" stamp and sweet cut from the "Homemade with Love" sets.  I stamped, die cut, and colored the sweet puddings with Copic markers before adding a thin line of Stickles glitter glue to make the frosting sparkle! I also added glossy accents to the holly berries!  I love how shiny they are!

I then placed these sweet puddings in the new Basket Sweet Cut which I cut from a pink polka dot patterned paper.

 I added a gingham "napkin" in mint green to the front of the basket along with a sentiment which is also from the "Homemade with Love" stamp set.   A sweet twine bow adds a nice finishing touch.

That is it for me today! Here are links to the entire Design Team so you can hop along with us:

Thanks for joining us for the October Release! Don't forget about the October Inspiration Challenge!  I hope you will join in the fun for a chance to win a gift certificate and a guest design spot.




  1. Your holiday cupcakes are so pretty and yummy, Jill!! Love the stitching around the basket and the lovely colors, too!!

  2. Great idea to fill the basket up with "puddings"! The colors are yummy!

  3. Your holly topped Christmas puddings are darling Jill!! The polka dots and gingham on your basket are both so sweet. This is a delightful holiday card!!

  4. Basket of cupcakes I'll take one please! Jill you make the most darling cards! I love this one !

  5. Oh, I LOVE it, Jill! Your basket of sweets is just SO adorable! Love the colors and love the warm homespun feel with the prints you chose. Just makes me smile!

  6. Oh my gosh, Jill! I can hardly stand how sweet this card is! You 'know' I have a passion for all things pink/green or pink/aqua -- you've created a stunner!!!!!!!!


Hello Friends! Thanks so very much for visiting Greenwood Girl Cards! I enjoy reading your comments!
Crafty Hugs,
: ) Jill